1 Comment

This information is gold, can't recommend it enough! Thank you for all the posts!

So many thoughts and questions pop up, some already discussed in private:

1 - Regards absolute strength, I still struggle to understand its analysis form a movement perspective: considering strength as an emergent behavior, even tho absolute strength is a quality of the nervous system, is that a possibility that a max effort compound movement doesn't give us a complete idea of the ability to produce maximal force output at a specific sports action, per dynamics systems theory?

With that said, what are the pros of looking at it from this perspective vs isolated joint motion? Would pos isos dynamometry (e.i during the FRA) add anything to the picture?

2 - Would this apply for speed strength as well? Would that be a benefit to look at joint specific RFD via pos isos dynamometry?

3 - As for reactive strength, as I previously discussed with Dr. Chivers, I believe it would be great to create a test that looks at it from an isolated, connective tissue perspective, like the analysis of contact time in a rebound catch.

4 - I believe this will be discussed in subsequent posts, but considering low frequency of exposure to specific training sgnaling being a mistake many coaches/athletes make, I would love to understand the application of the conjugate method in your prespective to efficiently develop all this components, taking into consideration the 24 hour rule.

Keep up the great work!!!

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