Let’s hope his age and eventually his temperament may help him recover and return playing when planned. 4 to 6 months recovery it seems a long time, when we know, that recovery can be achieved earlier with proper principles and specific training inputs.

Most probably his recovery plan will end up being also his quads/hamstrings strength and conditioning plan with many multi-joint exercises incorporated.

If we have to give a Point A and a Point B for the 2 structures injured, MCL and ACL, probably he will not meet Point B with the beginning of next season if the recovery/training plan is not following a gradual, specific and directional approach to loading for these 2 ligamentous tissues.

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Definitely could be worse. Happy to hear the severity isn’t more

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He was my fantasy football RB1. Felt terrible for him and apparently looked more violent than the actually damage. I’d be leaning toward mid to late season return next year with the specific training requirements completed. I sure hope his therapists don’t skip rotational training of the knee…

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Anyone familiar with BPC 157/TB 500 combo and seen additional healing improvements?

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