Would you use Phase 1 + 2 on both legs? Or just the injured one?

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Initially the injured one. Depending on the findings of the non-injured, the appropriate inputs to affect any necessary changes on this side can be introduced in this phase. For example, if capsular space was inadequate then that training stimulus could be applied bilaterally.

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When talking about moving through the zone do you mean from 0 to max hip abduction? Or from an abducted and flexed position to an abducted to extension position? Just having some trouble visualizing what zone the adductor group is moving into.

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Hi Adam,

The movement zone here refers to abduction so it could be any angle of abduction combined with any angle of flexion or extension.

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These programming posts are so helpful! Are the Positional Isometrics just for the progressive tissue?

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Hi James,

For the most part yes. Some regressive efforts can be added near end ranges.

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This is great!

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Very helpful. Thank you. Approximately how long do you expect each phase to take? Or is that purely dependent upon an FRA retest for that particular tissue at the ranges of motion with issues?

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