I thought to myself during the game... I bet Absolute is going to break this occurrence down and dissect out what went on with those injuries. And here it is! Thanks fellas!

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I think we will be discussing the same problems as for it to be addressed it would require a large amount of individuals on multiple levels to be open to realizing they need to change their training methods as well as medical staff implementing other strategies in which they bring these players back from injury. Also take into account contract parameters in the NFL that often times force players to get back onto the field as soon as possible with the fear that someone will come in and take their spot or be cut. As of right now with a majority of the focus being on external variables like playing surface as opposed to internal variables that they control like training and preparation, I don't think the change will come as soon as next year. I do feel though with continued platforms like this and people being open to learning , discussing, and working together for a common goal that the future has promise in this category.

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Agreed on all points Chad.

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